BS Tomar

Balvir S. Tomar

Incoming International President 2025,
founder and chancellor,
nIMS university Jaipur India

With the great pride and privilege, I welcome you all to the first ever, World Health Summit Regional Meeting which is happening in New Delhi, India.

On this momentous occasion, as the President of the WHS Regional Meeting I seek your support, cooperation, and collaboration to achieve effective global health outcomes. It is our duty as leaders and advocates of global health governance to come together as we face shared challenges of Diseases, Disasters, Data Governance, Demographic changes, Developmental issues, Dearth of Workforce, Diplomacy and others.

In this regard, the theme for the WHS Regional Meeting 2025 is “Scaling Access to Ensure Health Equity”.We intend to foster scientific and political discourse on how we can scale quality healthcare, that is usually perceived as a privilege, to ensure health equity and uplift the societal well-being. The summit intends to address themes of Digital and AI Futures, the Future of Health, Health Diplomacy and Cooperation, Healthcare Workforce, Innovation and Leadership for Health Equity, Planetary Health, Health and Peace, and many more, that are innovative, relevant, and contemporary. I hope the topics and themes discussed foster newer avenues of scientific research and policy making that advance equity of healthcare.

On behalf of the WHS Regional Meeting Organizing Committee & NIMS University, I would like to welcome you to Delhi and wish a successful time here and experience the rich culture and heritage of India.

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